January 21-22, 1961 - Dave MacDonald brings his #00 Corvette to the airport track in Palm Springs.

Here Dave leads Bob Schilling in his Austin Healy.

Dave MacDonald racing the 00 corvette at palm springs raceway

Scott Briley #41 gets a little sideways just in front of Buford Lane & Doug Hooper. Briley finshed 16th, Lane 2nd and Hooper 3rd

Dave MacDonald leads Bob Schilling at palm springs raceway

Later in Sunday's race Lane #614 and Hooper #119 running flat out trying to catch MacDonald

Dave MacDonald racing the 00 corvette at palm springs raceway

Ken Hayes in the #370 AC Bristol fights off Norm Burger in Corvette #315. Hayes finished 9th and Berger dnf

Norm Burger in Corvette #315 at palm springs raceway 1961

Bob Geddes in the #13 Corvette leads a Porsche and a Vette while Peter Haywood in an AC Bristol takes a wide route. Geddes
finished 6th and Haywood 7th

Dave MacDonald racing the 00 corvette at palm springs raceway

Buford Lane #614 and Doug Hooper #119 continue their battle.

Dave MacDonald racing the 00 corvette at palm springs raceway

Dave MacDonald rounds the final turn and heads for home as he scored victories in both the Saturday & Sunday main events

Dave MacDonald score victory in the 00 corvette at palm springs raceway

With Dave leading the way, Corvettes grabbed 5 of the top 6 spots in Sunday's race...with a Mercedes 300SL placing 4th.

News articles recapping the Janurary 21-22, 1961 races. Dave MacDonald won both days.

News article about the Janurary 21-22, 1961 races. Dave MacDonald won both days.

